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When I Was Young Career Path

For the month of August, I have challenged myself to blog every day. I know that is a lofty goal for someone who just came back from a two month hiatus but I have faith in myself. While perusing through one of my favorite blogs, Write, Laugh, Dream I saw that Ashley (what a beautiful name), the creator was introducing her "Writers Write Journaling Plan." Score!! The timing couldn't be better. I will share with you my responses to her writing prompts on the days I don't have a topic pre-determined by my editorial calendar (sounds so fancy but it's literally a blank piece of paper I drew a calendar on and mapped out subjects because I am a planning queen). WLD

August 3rd Prompt: When I was young, I thought I would be a _____________. How much has that goal from your younger self changed if at all? Are you where you thought you would be? Has the change been for better or for worse?

When I was young, I thought I would be a _____________.

My thoughts about a career path during my formative years were heavily impacted by television. At age 10 my favorite shows included "Law & Order" (the original- before SVU was created), "ER", "Touched by an Angel", "Wheel of Fortune", "The Price is Right", and all the soap operas on ABC. I spent hours in my Nana's room helping her talk back to the screen.

The dynamic characters, hosts, and story lines made me think that I wanted to pursue an array of careers including: doctor, teacher, actress, lawyer, and television personality. At the core of all these paths was service. Whether it was serving by helping to safe someone's life or serving an entertainment need after a stressful day. I love helping in any capacity.

How much has that goal from your younger self changed if at all?

Although my goals have deviated from the aforementioned professions, service continues to be the main goal in life and it always will be. With Don't Die Afraid I aim to serve my Fearless Family in helping you all overcome fear that freezes you and holds you back from obtaining the riches God has yet to reveal to you. I'm currently working on my Masters in Public Health which will assist me in battling health disparities and barriers around sexual and mental health.

Are you where you thought you would be? Has the change been for better or for worse?

When I was younger I never imagined the life I'm currently living. However, I never limited my dreams, I always knew I would be in God's favor and that is exactly where I am. I can't say if the change has been for better or for worse because I don't know what life would be like if I went down one of those paths, but I can say that I am happy and that is a blessing.

Two Notebooks

Join the Writers Write Journaling Plan with me! I'm really excited to see my growth during August. Let me know in the comment box below, what you thought you would be when you were younger. How does that compare to your current stage in life?