#BeBoldForChange on International Women’s Day 2017
It's an honor to be born during Women's Herstory Month. The high energy shared this month to advance gender parity is electrifying. Today, March 8 the world unites to celebrate International Women's Day (IWD). Although some of us are unfamiliar with this day of honor, it has been observed since the early 1900's. It is a global day dedicated to celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.
This year's theme, #BeBoldForChange urges people to commit to taking action that will truly drive the greatest change for women. The World Economic Forum predicts the gender gap won't close entirely until 2186.Who has time to wait that long? Not me! My future grandchildren might not even be around to enjoy the sweetness of a closed gender gap. Therefore change needs to happen now! "Change" and "Make a difference" sounds catchy but what does that even entail? It all depends on what type of fight are you passionate about. IWD highlights several areas: challenge bias/inequality, campaign against violence, forge women's advancement, celebrate women's achievement, and champion women's education. Education is my fight. Whether it is through being an ambassador for the Malala Fund or leading workshops for women to show them how to embrace their mental health so they can succeed in college.
For International Women's Day I honor my Nana for teaching me the importance of education. My house wasn't a happy place because it reminded me of my struggles, so school has always been a safe haven for me. It was a distraction from my worries. I know I have to do my part because there are more than 62 million girls around the world who are not in school.
Find a fight that resonates with you and dedicate yourself to it. Ways you can get involved: Social Media: use the #BeBoldForChange selfie cards for social media amplification. Volunteer: After you identify the cause you love. Contact organizations who are already doing the work to see how you can help. Share the Knowledge: Tweet a link to this blog post. Tell a friend about International Women's Day. Now that you know, it's time to share the information with others. Visuals are Queen: Indulge in these awesome videos from organizations who make women's rights a priority.