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Discount For You to See me Speak at Blogalicious!

My success and impact reached greater heights when I stopped allowing the comparison devil to make my thoughts his. The old me spent countless hours obsessing over the blessings being received by others instead of focusing on my own unique journey. We are all familiar with the cliché saying, "Compare yourself only to who you were yesterday." Allow me to be a living testimony for how true that phrase is. All the energy I poured into beating myself up for not gaining the same opportunities as other content creators, instead became the fuel for me to obtain my next goal.

In 2015 I attended my first Blogalicious Conference, #BYOE15 and had the time of my life! As I checked out of my hotel room and made the commute back home, I told myself, "Ashley you are going to present at Blogalicious one day." Did I know "one day" would happen in 2016? Nope, but my goal was clear and I was intentional on becoming the best version of myself so I could eventually grab the mic at Blogalicious.

I have gained numerous opportunities since I spent all of 2016 focusing on building my community, owning my identity as an inspirational blogger, and not comparing myself to others.

I am honored to return to Blogalicious for "Content is Life" from November 3-5 in Atlanta, GA to present, "Your Message as a Catalyst for Change."

Both the laughs and the pain make you who you are. But how many times do we feel comfortable enough to reveal our most vulnerable moments? We fail to realize that sharing our message, can be a catalyst for the next person's breakthrough. Our stories are the personal lifelines of our brands and allow us to connect and be authentic with our audience. If you haven't figured out a flawless way to deliver it or you don't think it is important enough to share, this session is for you! Join me to develop your message as a catalyst for change.

I would LOVE to see you at Blogalicious so to make that possible, I have a discount code for you!

Y'all know I don't like paying full price for things, so I had to get you the hookup! Feel free to share with your friends and then hit me up on Twitter or slide in my to let me know that you are attending!

Click here to register using the code "meetashley@b8"!

Now Tell Me What's On Your Mind: What goal is the comparison devil holding you back from? Have you ever attended Blogalicious?