#BlackMHM : Interview on WRHU 88.7FM
/Success is overcoming the doubtful voices in your head that try to stop you. Two weeks ago when I started the Black Mental Health Makeover #BlackMHM social media campaign, I overcame some dark thoughts that told me I would fail at making an impact. Now, here I type today with press coverage and an interview on a radio station that can be heard all around the world.
I've been involved with this radio station for a while. Almost three years ago, I was a business reporter for "Newsline" and a DJ/host for "Off the Charts" and "The Jazz Cafe." Yesterday, instead of being behind the mixing board, I was the guest for an interview on "Hofstra's Morning Wake-Up Call." It was such a humbling experience to be interviewed by Shannon Nia Alomar, a young lady that I have watched grow into a powerhouse. Thank you again Shannon for acknowledging how important mental health is and allowing me this dynamic platform to share my testimony on.