Periscope Bandwagon
/Do y'all know those people who are reluctant to hop on board for new technology developments, especially new social media trends? You know exactly who I'm talking about, those people who are anti-Snapchat, anti-Instagram, and maybe even anti-Twitter. They ask questions similar to the following: "Why do you need to send a person a photo that self destructs? What is the benefit of scrolling through pictures all day long? What important things can you really say in 140 characters?" Now I know some people have popped into your head, you might even be that person (don't worry, it's a no judgement zone here). I'll confess that I was one of those people who were anti-Snapchat. It took me months to download it and once I had it, I still didn't even fully get the point of it. "Sooooo I send people pictures that I could have just sent in a text?" Then people waste my time with Snaps of black screens with random text on it or their car radio playing music, I didn't ask you to be my DJ bruh. *Confused face*
The redeeming qualities came from the stories from popular cities and other countries. For those of y'all who aren't familiar with Snapchat, stories are video sequences streamlined together. Multiple people who are identified as being in a particular city by the geolocation of their phones can take a video of what they are doing or see in their area. Once they send it, Snapchat fairies (workers who are amazingly fast and brilliant) take that video and add it to the "Story" for that city so all Snapchat users can see it, not just the followers of the person who originally recorded the video.
I thought those were the coolest things! Some of y'all already know, I am a city girl. NYC all day, every day! Recently I moved to the DMV area (D.C., Maryland, and Virginia) to pursue my Masters in Public Health so I am still close to Washington D.C., another major city that is featured on Snapchat. I thought it was super cool that I could relate to the stories about these places. I also love to travel so the content from South Africa, Ireland, Costa Rica, and numerous other places is intriguing and gives me a better understanding of the culture and things I must do when I visit.
In addition, Snapchat has also covered major events in history such as the Greece elections and a touching tribute to the lives lost in the Charleston shooting at Mother Emanuel A.M.E. Church. When I heard about Periscope, I was reluctant to try it because I thought it was similar to Snapchat. So I thought, "I don't have space in my phone for another social media app, I'll pass on this one." Then I constantly kept seeing the influencers that I support talking about, "Meet me on Periscope in 15 minutes!!!" So on August 7th around 2pm, I finally gave in to the Periscope bandwagon and downloaded it on my iPad just to check it out. It allows for one person to live stream while viewers watch and have the ability to chat with other viewers and the broadcaster.
So in the span of 10 hours I watched Scopes from: My Boo Jonna (Naturally Glam), Adeea Rogers (The Trendy Socialite), The Alisha Nicole, Krissy Brierre-Davis, Melyssa Griffin, Bre Mitchell (Eff The Cubicle), William Wilson (The Clothier), My Rich Friend Naptural Nicole (ScOprah), Mattieologie, Africa Miranda, and Maya Elious. The irony is that out of the people I listed, I didn't know five of them before I saw their Scopes but they dropped so many gems I was intrigued and now they have a new supporter. I also met two amazing women Millicent Miracle and Medic Mellie Mel.
I simultaneously worked on my blog, cooked dinner, cleaned the house, and did laundry while watching these Scopes. Clearly I might be a little addicted....but it's for a good reason. The caliber of knowledge gems being dropped is immeasurable. It literally feels like I am going to my personal business coach every time I watch a Scope and that is what I appreciate and need in my life because I am hungry for knowledge and coins (Rich Friends know what I'm talking about). So I encourage you all to join Periscope and follow me @DontDieAfraid and the names aforementioned. The sweet, Naturally Glam has hooked y'all up with a Get Started on Periscope Manual. Y'all won't regret it.
Have you hopped on the Periscope bandwagon yet? If so, how do you feel about it? If not, what are you waiting for?