#BeSureSundays-Learn, Dream, & Live
/This week's #BeSureSundays has helped me through some tough times. If you remember these three lines they might be able to help you too!
Read MoreThis week's #BeSureSundays has helped me through some tough times. If you remember these three lines they might be able to help you too!
Read MoreHow many times have you wanted to ask a question but fear of rejection stopped you? ....(Hopefully not a lot.) How many times have you heard the word, "No"? ....(Wow all those times, and look at that you are still alive!) Don't let rejection kill you! Yes it might hurt, cause some tears, and spark depression, but don't let it strip away your sparkle. You all have no idea how many times a day I have to repeat the "Don't Die Afraid" motto internally. Every time I think there will be a negative outcome to something, I have to remind myself, "Go for it, what the hek are you afraid of? You're not living fearlessly! Snap out of it!"
These negatives thoughts usually materialize in the face of competition....Mental competition that is, my mind distorts reality sometimes to make everything into a competition. My brain works in odd ways, so let me break it down for you. About a month ago I saw an Instagram post calling for DC Bloggers to attend the Ultimate Brown Beauty Retreat. Initially, I thought, "Yay, that's me!....But what if they are looking for someone with a larger audience? I'm convinced Google Analytics overestimates my numbers...What if they want a media kit?....I haven't been writing frequently enough this month....They aren't looking for small bloggers like me, I'm not going to email them. I'll just buy a general ticket."
Do you see how problematic thinking like that can be? I made assumptions about why I wasn't worthy. What is the worst that could have happened? I e-mail them and they say, "No sorry, you don't fit into the demographic we are looking for." Then I would have just bought a regular ticket and called it a day, it wouldn't have been the end of the world.
After reminding myself to live fearlessly, I sent the e-mail and was overjoyed when I received a response inviting me to be one of the guest bloggers! Well, look at that! If I would have let all my unjustifiable concerns prevent me from reaching out, I would have missed an amazing opportunity. What I learned from this experience is that you'll never know what the response is until you ask the question.
Have you found yourself in a similar situation lately? How do you handle someone saying, "No"?
The #BeSureSundays motivation for this week is Be Authentic. Learn how 10 strangers taught me the importance of authenticity. If you find any obstacles along your path, I challenge you to approach it with your core values in mind.
Read MoreWe all know the reason I started Don't Die Afraid was to teach myself how to be comfortable with not having the ability to control every aspect of my life, especially my career. Now a year has passed and I've been pretty successful at that. I landed my current job by walking into an office to inquire more information about their services because I was genuinely curious. Elaine, the woman I met saw my potential and that I would be a great fit for her team. At first there were no positions available but she advocated for me anyway, in hopes that her office would be able to use me even if it was just for volunteer work. About two weeks later, a position magically opened and the director offered it to little ol' me! It was literally like the position fell into my lap because I got it based off my curiosity for life.
When I started graduate school I was passively looking for jobs because I didn't know if I could handle working and going to school. I went in with the mindset that I would be fine even if I didn't find job because I had a nice stash of money saved.
When I say I love my job, that is an understatement! My job is the helping office on campus because we work hard to make sure students are supported in all aspects of wellness during their college experience. We address the most hard hitting issues: substance abuse, interpersonal violence, sexual health, and nutrition.
The past year working for that office has been an amazing experience and has catapulted me into many other leadership opportunities. I'm so grateful for every minute I spent there. However, since the year is over and budget cuts are the devil, my time with them is over. Bummer, I know! It is unsettling not having a job solidified for September, but I was in this position last year and everything worked out. Everything will be alright....right? When I found out, I cried and briefly thought my world was ending. Then, I remembered three things: my motto (Don't Die Afraid), accept change, and keep my head up. So if you are going through something that has your head down, don't keep it there for too long because you might miss the blessings coming from above. I can't see what my future holds for September but I'm going to go forth fearlessly (the only way).
Have you had any unforeseen recent changes in your career? Can you hook a sister up with a job or pain internship in public health for the summer? (Shoot, I had to ask haha)
The Never 21 movement is a breath of fresh air. Check out how they gave Forever 21 a Black Lives Matter makeover. Will this spark any change?
Read MoreThis is my last week of classes for the semester! Can I get an AMEN? If you are a student, you know the struggle. As the semester concludes, students are so excited to get the chance to relax. However, the summer can serve as a relief for some and stress for others. Those who are returning next fall, can use the summer to recharge- whereas graduates are pressured to have a job confirmed or figure out what their next move is. Either way, it feels like a finish line.
Over the past couple of months I've been telling myself to Keep Pushing to get to this finish line. Once finals are over, I will take a deep sigh of relief and be able to focus more of my talents here on Don't Die Afraid. However, I saw this quote repeatedly and thought maybe it was a productive mindset to have. If we train ourselves to believe that there is no finish line, then it teaches us how to increase our endurance. However, does it also discourage us from feeling like we have reached success?
The whole point of #BeSureSundays is to encourage ourselves to make it through the week. I feel this quote does that in an indirect way.
What do you think about the quote? I'm still not completely sold, but maybe it is just the way I am interpreting it. What does it mean to you?
If you like dealing with change, raise your hand!*keeps hands in lap* Change has always been intimidating to me. Consistency is comfortable; I know what to expect, I can prepare for obstacles ahead of time, and I am mentally content. Change doesn't allow for any of the previously mentioned perks. However, change is inevitable so it doesn't matter if we like it or not...it's going to happen so we just have to accept it.
Within the past two years, I have experienced major changes in relationships, career paths, housing, finances, health status, and family dynamics. In the past, I've frequently viewed change as negative. I found this wall decal almost two years ago that supplied me with comfort and encouraged me to embrace change.
Two years later, after trying to apply this quote to my life- I can finally say, I truly believe it. When I quit my FULL TIME (paid vacation, benefits, free lunch, beer & pizza on Fridays, health insurance) job to pursue my masters, I was nervous TERRIFIED. However, this past year has been one of the best years of my life, I have found my true direction.
The next time a change is thrown at you, I encourage you to fearlessly go with the wind so you can uncover your unexpected treasures.
How do you handle change? What is the most recent change in life that you had to deal with?
Today marks the one year birthday of Don't Die Afraid and 24th year of my life! I am so thankful to all those who have helped me along this journey. Especially YOU! Yes YOU! You- the reader, the supporter, the person who leaves comments! You are the reason I keep going. So with that being said, I would love to introduce y'all to the next level of Don't Die Afraid which is my new YouTube channel, yay!!!!!! I would love your support for this channel, just as you have supported this blog. Both of these are a part of my vision for Don't Die Afraid and it only goes higher from here.
This is something I have been contemplating for a long time and decided to just go and do it! Why? Because I am living fearless! For y'all who haven't ever seen me in person- this video is a clear view of me---I am a walking Tangent so I apologize in advance for any distractions haha.
I LOVE birthdays so tell me all about yours! When is your birthday? Why or why don't you like to celebrate birthdays? What is the most enjoyable thing you've done for your birthday?
Why do we tell ourselves certain things are impossible? Instead let's look inside and realize "I'm possible."
Read MoreHappy International Women's Day! This observance dates back to 1911 and ever since has sparked economic, political, and social action on a global scale. The theme for this year is "Make It Happen"; which highlights the achievements of women while simultaneously serving as a call for greater equality. So obviously, it was a no-brainer that I had to highlight it for #BeSureSundays. The whole premise behind #BeSureSundays is to use Sunday as an opportunity to gear up for the week ahead by meditating and making sure we know what we are capable of. The YouTube spotlight campaign "#DearMe" made it evident that the discussion among women is that we aren't sure of ourselves. The videos were an opportunity for women to give their younger selves some advice. Many women explained doubting themselves, worrying too much, hating their bodies, being afraid to be themselves are consistent issues... I pray that one day we have a generation of girls who don't harvest any of those insecurities.
In 1995 at the Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, Hillary Rodham Clinton stated our featured quote for this week. After 20 years this statement still seems to be debated by our society especially when we look at violence against women, insufficient amounts of women in leadership roles, and the lack of accommodations for pregnant/working mothers.
Today please join me in celebrating women all over the world making strides and still fighting the battle. They are surely living the motto, "Don't Die Afraid."
Who are some inspirational women in your life? How do you show appreciation for these women?