Natural Hair Brunch Affair

Where are all my beautiful, strong, and empowered naturalistas? If you raised your hand then you need to join me in Conneticut for the Natural Hair Brunch Affair. Natural Hair Brunch Affair The sisters of Natural Hair Does Care and Casandra of Food Before Love have paired up again to bring us naturalistas good food, laughs, positive energy, and curls galore.

Natural Hair Brunch Affair Oops I forgot to mention the unlimited mimosas! Below are some photos to get your mouth watering from the last Natural Hair Brunch Affair in DC. Natural Hair Brunch Affair

Natural Hair Brunch Affair

The event is only $45 and will be heading to Atlanta next, so tri-state area you don't want to miss this! It's my first natural hair brunch so I'm really excited. I already have my outfit ready and now I'm working on which hairstyle I can perfect for the event because we all know deep down we will experience hair envy haha. It's like friendly competition on who has the most defined twist out!

I'd love to meet all you curly ladies so we can take cute pictures, eat, and leave with cool goodie bags. You can purchase your ticket by visiting and I can't wait to see you! Natural Hair Brunch Affair

The Natural Hair Family Supports Meechy Monroe

People talk about the "natural hair community" as being cult-like, trying to impose their views on others. Yes I agree there are some extremists who want to convert every woman they pass in the street that has a creamy crack addiction into a two strand twist addicted naturalista. But I don't think about those extremists, when I think of natural hair, I think of a family united by hashtags, blogs, Twitter Chats, running to Target for a product discount, YouTube subscriptions, and meet-ups. Sometimes there is an occasional jealousy moment poisoning our minds with the thought, "Ughhh I wish my hair could look like that." However, every family has those moments! The Natural Hair Family Supports Meechy Monroe

Around 6am this morning I realized how deeply rooted the natural hair family is and I'm not talking about the 4c type of roots, I am talking about steadfast faith, prayer, support, and monetary contributions. Last night around 1:30am I found out about Meechy Monroe's battle with cancer. I read her blog post and watched her video and was so overwhelmed with emotions. She was diagnosed with a rare sarcoma (or vascular cancerous tumor) in her brain. Over the past three months she has endured three consecutive strokes and two brain surgeries. She donated her beautiful hair that we all knew for the famous Meechy Twistout to Locks of Love to help a cancer patient in need. To be so selfless in your own time of need is admirable, I commend you Meechy! 

Before I went to sleep, the only post I saw on Instagram about this was of NaturalPartnersInCrime. I woke up to my social media flooded with condolences to The Monroe Family and scriptures for Meechy during her recovery. "#GetWellMeechy" was everywhere! This moment made it so clear that we truly are a family and we're all affected by Meechy's condition. Regardless if we have met her or not the love and support is there. Below are just a couple of heartwarming comments I saw on her funding page.

The Natural Hair Family for Meechy Monroe

Today I stand as a proud member of the natural hair community FAMILY and it isn't because of the curls on my head, it is because of the overflowing amount of love we all share. As complete strangers connected externally by one feature...our hair, but we all know our hairstyles aren't the only things that tie us together, it's our hearts.

Thank you Meechy for sharing your story with us. I hope you continue to use the voice God has given you. In my eyes your platform has never been limited to just hair, makeup, or fashion, it is about inspiring others to be grateful for the person God has designed them to be. So please continue to be an inspiration to all of us!